Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday March 9, 2017 - End of Month 9

Tomorrow will start HRT Month 10 and I will take my monthly measurements. I am feeling really good and love my changes.

This morning, I tried on both a 36B and 36C bras. I wanted to see the difference. I have been wearing my 36B bras. However, went I wear them, I fail as a regular guy. But I do not care. I have noticed as the weather is warming and Spring is in the air, I want to look pretty. So I will probably present more female.

Below is a picture is one of my tops I wore yesterday. I was home all day working but felt like wearing it.

Today I compared my 36B bra with one of my 36C bras. I think I am going to start buying only 36C.

The C-cup fits and looks much better then the B-cup. The B-cup is starting to remind me of my old A-cup bras when they were getting too small.



I will post my new body measurements Friday or Saturday.


  1. How have your bottom measurements been going? Any noticeable redistribution of fat?

    1. I am not getting much at my hip or thigh area. However, my butt has rounded out. So I look better in dresses and skinny jeans.
