I have been saying, in this blog, that my actual dealing with the public as an out and proud feminine male that public opinion has changed. This is just additional proof.
I do not need a poll to prove it. If you do, here is one.
The new Indiana law allows businesses and individuals in which the government is not a party to the lawsuit, to use religious freed in court as a defense against a discrimination lawsuit. This is different from the law passed by President Clinton and 19 states. In the federal and state laws, it prohibits businesses and individuals from using religious freedom as a defense in lawsuits where a government entity is not party to the suit.
Despite what Governor Pence says, this law not only allows discrimination against the LGBT community, but any minority group, as long as the defendant can prove his/her religious beliefs are against that person, group or issue.
For me, it not only against me as a T-person but there are still "religious-based" beliefs against worshipers of Jewish and Muslim faiths, African -Americans, interracial marriages and living together and not married. This law provides a legal loophole in which discrimination against these group can now become legal.
Here is a link to a article that discuses Biblical passages used to condemn interracial marriages.
Here is a link to an article that discuses how religious liberty was used to support Jim Crow laws.
Here is a link to an article that discusses Biblical passages in support of antisemitism.
Some will argue that Indiana's Civil Rights Law will protect people from discrimination based on religion, race, sex and color. But this new law provides a possible loophole that will have to be tested in court.
Condemnation against this discrimination law has been swift from all reasonable corners of society. Democrats, Republicans, LGBT community, non-LGBT "straight" community, Business community and parts of the religious community.
In the business community, I have noticed all of the tech, internet and web-based companies coming out against this law and putting their money to work against it. These are the growing companies that are creating the jobs of the future. It tells me that a LGBT person does have some safe environments in which to work and grow. As this segment of the economy will continue to lead economic growth and job creation, a young LGBT person would do well to study and earn degrees required for employment within these firms.
But it does not stop there, other cities and states have joined to condemn this law.
And maybe best of all, it stopped such bills in Georgia and North Carolina. In both cases, the linked articles state that the bills were stalled after the Indiana uproar.
I am upset about this Indiana law but heartened by the broad outrage against it. Today is a Femboy day for me and I am going to walk a little taller and prouder as I believe we are being accepted into the general community.