Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sunday September 3, 2017 - Feeling happy at 61

I am in a reflective mood, this morning. I am in a happy mood as I like my mental and physical self. The HRT is working well for me.

Life is not perfect and I have some major issues to resolve. But overall, I really like where I am.

Some days I get up and my breasts feel so heavy and they hurt. Other days, like today, I just feel them and they are now "in the way" as I type. I love how I look I either in boy or girl mode. I feel whole and comfortable.

I only shave, about once a week, both my head and face, to get ride of a few stray hairs.I have not shaved my body in months. I use to shave my body once a week.

Mentally, I have no more gender dysphoria. So I spend more time dealing with family and friend about my look. People who have not seen me in a long time, notice a difference, but do not know why. Most tell me I just look younger and "keep doing what I am doing", because its working.

I think about 50 years ago, in 1967, when as a 11 year boy, I was sneaking into my mother's closet and wearing her shoes and putting on a bra, griddle and stockings. Wow, I would love to tell him that 50 years later, it would be OK.

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