Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday January 31, 2016 - Ballerina flats

I love ballerina flats. They are so cute. The front bow and the low cut front is very cute.  I especially like the ones that show toe cleavage. I have bought a few pair over the past year from Payless Shoes and Shoe Shoe.

They are different from regular flats because ballerina flats show more of the top of your feet because the front scoop is lower.

Saturday I wore a black/silver pair from Payless that had a really low front scoop. They started to really hurt my toes after a few hours. The very low scoop showed some nice toe cleavage. But the front edge of the shoe began to cut into my toes and foot. I think it was due to the low front cut which forced my toes into lifting the shoes during each step.

Today, I wore a teal pair from Shoe Show. The front was not as low and they felt much better. Even more important was that these shoes had both bottom inside padding and padding at the top for the toes. My toes felt like they were wrapped in foam. For about the same price, the Shoe Show ballerina flats are much better than the Payless Shoes flats.

I am going to have to do a better job of comparing shoes and not buy just based on price and looks. I always try them on first, but I am looking for how cute my feet are in the shoes. Now I am going to include how comfortable and how much padding there is.


Sunday (today)

Notice the black pair have a very low front scoop which is cute. But they did not wear well and my toes began to hurt.

The teal color flats were padded and felt much better. There was no toe cleavage in the teal/green pair. But my foot felt better and more secure.

Sunday January 31, 2016 - When its cold. I think of Spring

It's Atlanta and cold. But relatively thinking, its not that bad compared to my old New Jersey stomping grounds.

This morning I was warming up by thinking of Spring.

Spring 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday January 30, 2016 - Makeup brushes

As I learn about makeup and what to apply. I am also learning the importance of makeup brushes. I have a few brushes but I do not know which brush works with which makeup. I decided to do some research about makeup brushes.

I found the following information:

  1. A short article on natural vs synthetic brushes
  2. Infographic on the 8 brushes you need
  3. An overall nice video about brushes and their use
  4. A Youtube video on cleaning your sponges and brushes

How to Choose Between Synthetic & Natural Makeup Brushes

Saturday January 30, 2016 - Focus Group

Today I took part in a focus group to discuss with mature transpeople (50+ years of age) issues of housing and wellness. I went as a Femboy because I need to let my whiskers grow for my electrology session.

There were four of us plus the moderator. I was the youngest at 59 and one of two transwoman. The other transwoman was over 60 and transitioned over 20 years ago. The other two were transman.

It was a very enlightening two hours because I did not realize the diversity of experiences among our community. Plus I have never spoken with nor learned about a life of a transman.

Overall I enjoyed the group. I learned a lot about the issues of transmen. I learned about the importance of top surgery.

It is interesting that transwomen want breasts while transmen hate them and want to get rid of them. Their bottom surgery is expensive and seems inadequate. Also being a transman and still having to go to the gynecologist is a tough issue.

Each of the other three expressed a need to find a life partner for intimacy. Not necessarily sex but to share life experiences.

I wonder if that means at the end of my journey is loneliness?

Saturday January 30, 2016 - Female Image

I was reading a blog post about the female public image. This post is my comments on female imaging based on my experience.

Body language consists of four things:
  1. Posture - I find posture very important. I remember my mother constantly correcting my sister's posture. I am aware of my posture while I am out. I try to stand and walk straight. It is not easy after 59 years of a male posture.
  2. Gestures - Women have more fluidity with their gestures and more of them.
  3. Eye contact - I find, like men, women have their own non-verbal communication code which includes smiling and eye contact. I know one way I was outing myself was by not making eye contact with other women and smiling at them. Sometimes women will speak with a simple greeting. But not making eye contact and communicating when appropriate, will out ourselves.
  4. Facial expressions - I am happy to be authentic so its not hard for me to have that happy facial expression. But I am aware that I do not want to look mean. So I try to just smile often throughout the day.
 Below are a few quick videos about the different male and female realities.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday January 29, 2016 - Focus Study

Today I am excited because I will be participating in a national study on Trans aging health and housing and its relationship to wellness. A graduate student at Harvard's School of Design will be conducting a focus group here in Atlanta. I will be part of that focus group.

There will be 6-8 participants who are 55+ years old whom self identity as transgender.

I will be attending in Femboy mode because I am letting my remaining facial hair grow before my next electrology session. If I shave today, my whiskers will not be long enough for my electrology session. This is why I need to finish my facial hair removal, so I can put on my foundation and present as Susan more often.

I will have more about this activity within the next few posts.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday January 28, 2016 - Makeup Foundation - Contouring and Highlighting

I am practicing my makeup. It think practice will make perfect. I am still trying to find the right foundation brand and color. Also learning how to contour and highlight my face to make it more feminine is important to me.

Below is an infographic about contour and highlighting.

Thursday January 28, 2016 - A very strange friendship - Do you believe in fate?

Over the past 60+ days, I have had a very strange personal experience. I have not told many people because they may not believe me. I do not know if you, a reader of this blog will believe this story. I  have been thinking about writing this post for over a week.Today,  I am going to give it a try.

I have never considered myself a good writer, so I hope I can explain this experience.

Before I begin, let me give you some background. I believe that each of us is an energy force that inhabits our body. We use our body and its sensors to interact with this reality. I believe in reincarnation. So when our body ceases to work (dead), our energy force moves on to another body through rebirth (an infant again).

In this reality, there are forces that we can not sense. For example x-rays, radio signals and WIFI to name a few. However, some people claim they can feel some of these things. We need physical devices that will translate these items so we can sense it. A cellphone, radio and TVs are a few of these devices.

On November 5th, I had an experience that shook me to my core and still bothers me to this day. I may have experienced a force that we can not sense but was translated for me, through this experience.

Please, bare with me, one more time for some additional background information.

I have a former student who is a manager of an AMC theater . She has put me on a special program that allows me get two movie tickets to any movie at any AMC theater at any time for free. The more I use this program, the more tickets I can get the next year.

On November 5th, my son-in-law and grandson wanted to go to the movies. I went with them and picked up two free tickets. I gave them to my son-in-law. Standing there was a pretty mature women. We exchanged greetings when we made eye contact. Then she asked me if my grandson wemt to school at the local school, because he looked familiar to her. I said no and that he lived in a different county.

Then she stated that she was having a problem because she wanted to go see the new James Bond movie, but the next three shows were sold-out. I mentioned that there are a couple of other theaters close but they maybe sold out too.

So I offered to get her two free tickets to the 6:45 pm show and if she decided not to use them, she can trade them it. I was trying to send out some good karma.

After I got her the tickets, I told her I needed to go to Barnes and Nobles to buy a new book. She was so happy about the movie tickets that she offered to buy me a smoothie at the Starbucks inside Barnes and Nobles.

I agreed and we drove our separate cars to the bookstore. We sat down the bookstore and talked while drinking our smoothies. While talking we decided to walk next door to the mall and continue our conversation. At the mall, we were walking through women's clothing stores and she was asking me about clothes she liked and what I thought.

I ended up spending over 2 hours with this lady. We had a great time talking about our lives and women's clothes. I could tell she was a clothes shopper and into clothes. Finally we exchanged phone numbers and I left.

Within 30 minutes, my sister called and said my mother had passed about an hour ago.

I was shocked and could not believe it. But I did not cry. I just thought about the wonderful 2+ hours I spent with this lady.

I even wondered, if it was a dream. But I did buy a new book and my son-in-law and grandson did tell me about the movie.

I then thought about two close friends of mine who had a similar strange experience during the time of the death of a loved one.

One guy had a dream in which he talked with in 92 year old father, only to be awakened by his brother, telling him that his father had passed. My friend told his brother that he already knew because their father had come by to visit before leaving.

My other friend was at home playing poker with his friend when the doorbell rang. His pals told him to get the door. When he opened the door, no one was there. Then the back door bell rung. He opened the door and again no one was there. Then the phone rang and it was the Atlanta Police saying that his oldest son had just died in a motorcycle accident.

For the next month, I did not text or call that number in my phone. I was afraid what might happen. Finally, after my Mother's repass, I called the lady and she answered. I did not tell her what happened but I just wanted to say hello.

We exchanged text messages and talked a few times. Finally, we met again, this past Saturday for dinner. I explained to her what had happened and I wanted to thank her because my time with her made my mother's death for manageable. I felt at peace knowing she was OK.

Then out of nowhere I told her I was transgendered. I told her my history, showed her pictures of Susan and my late running buddy Maxine. We talked about the difference between gender and sexual orientation. She recommended that I try MAC makeup and stated that if I go for a makeover, she would like to join me.

We also wear the same size shoes. However she buys her shoes from Neiman Marcus and other high end store. I had her laughing about my Payless exploits.

I was honest with her and stated that I only interested in being friends and there was not romantic interest. She understood and was interested in hanging out with me as two girlfriends. Also she was happy to find a lady who wears the same shoe size (LOL).

This relationship is so interesting because of how I met her, the timing of our first meeting and her interest is me as a woman. I am still trying to figure this out.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday January 27, 2016 - Getting pretty

Early today I stated that it was a cold, cloudy and rainy this morning. I felt like staying under the covers and reading my book. But I decided to get pretty to feel better. I am working from home today but I did not want to stay in my pajamas. Getting pretty makes me feel better and makes me more productive.

Below are some of my pictures today.

I wore my grey sweater dress. I have worn this top as a femboy, using it as a sweater with a long hemline with skinny jeans.

I changed my hair slightly so that more of my face shows. I think its a more feminine look.

My jewelry is silver white and blue.

I put on my grey flats. Since I am home working at my deck, I think heels are not very practical. The flats are more comfortable.

Wednesday January 27, 2016 - Rough Morning

I was busy working late last night and overslept. Its cold, cloudy and rainy today. Its one of those days I would love to stay in the bed and read a good book.

I am going to work from home and its such a blah day. I am going to get pretty.

I will post my results shortly.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday January 26, 2016 - Walking in heels

I am going to start a new series of posts that discuss female mannerisms.

Personally, I am going to find a course or consultant to help me bring out my feminine mannerisms.

The video below is an example of the course I want to take. I am going to find one in Atlanta and call to make sure they accept transwoman. I would be surprised if they did not accept us, but I will ask.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday January 25, 2016 - Winter dresses

Friday I spent part of my day looking for a winter dress at Goodwill. I could not find one  I liked. Here is my updated Pinterest board of winter dresses I like.

The best one I saw, was a plain sweater dress. I should have bought it along with some colorful scarves to spruce it up. I had the shoes and jewelry.

Follow Susan King's board Winter Dresses on Pinterest.

Monday January 25, 2016 - Friday night outing was a no go

I had planned to go out to a club Friday night. But to my disappointment, it did not work out for a variety of reasons. The main reason was that one of my clients expected their report on Friday and not Saturday, as I had planned.

So after I finished work and running errand (and soaking me feet), I had to finish  and email the report. Next, I could not find a nice dress at the local Goodwill. I tried on many dresses and took pictures. But the lighting was poor, so I do not have any good pictures to post. Finally, it did not snow in Savannah, but it was cold and misty.

I thought about going out to this Jazz Club but decided against it and just called it a night.

I really enjoyed my authentic Friday. I do not remember being mistreated, laughed at or talked about one time. I do not remember one clerk using a male pronoun and not treating me as I was presented. I met many people along the way and  some  men opened the door for me.

At this point, I am still working on presentation (makeup, voice and mannerisms). I do need to learn to eat more feminine. I need to slow down when eating, take smaller bites and bring the food up to my mouth and not slouch.

My mother use to teach a female etiquette class to young teenage girls. She even wrote a book on this subject. I always wished I could have taken the class.

I use to listen in on the class and learn from my mother when she was talking to my sister.

Below is a short article with a check list on feminine eating. I am going to practice following those rules.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday January 24, 2016 - Season 1 of Her Story - All six episodes

I like this show. I have only seen Episode 1 and the first half of Episode 2. But I like the realism of the show. I know its early but I like the way they bring up issues and I can relate to some of the undercurrent issues discussed or at least mentioned in the show.

I found a playlist of all six episodes from Season 1. Since each episode is less than 10 minutes, I am going to get some popcorn and binge watch the whole season in less than 1 hour. I can do that. It's the all day binge that gets me in trouble. 

Sunday January 24, 2016 - I had to use my Male ID

I left Atlanta Friday morning headed to Savannah dresses as Susan. I bought gas in Macon (cheaper than Atlanta) and I stopped and bought some food at Wendy's. Of course, I had no issues and everyone used female pronouns or no pronouns at all.

Once in Savannah, I completed a few "drive-by" inspections. Then I decided to get my hotel room. So, I used one of those roadside hotel coupon books to find a hotel at a reasonable rate.

Once I arrived at the hotel, the clerk said hello and asked if he could help me. I returned the salutation, including his name in my response. I asked him if I could use this coupon. He  approved my coupon and asked for my ID and credit card. 

I had not thought about it, but both items were in my male name!

So I handed my items to the clerk. He entered the required information and handed them back to me without any hesitation or unusual look. He asked me if I wanted smoking or non-smoking and one or two beds. I told him I would like a non-smoking 1 bed room that was close to the office (safety).

He them asked the manager who had come up to the front to grab some paperwork to help him finish my request. He was in training and did not know how to enter the coupon code.

The manager smiled and said hello. I smiled back with a hello and mentioned a nice necklace she was wearing.

We talked about the weather and that Savannah was cloudy but missed that bad weather along the east coast. Within a few minutes, I had my key and I was out of the door.

Once in the car, I thought about my ID issue. I could easily fix the bank card issue by adding Susan King as an authorized use on the account and then getting a debit card in her name. But I do not know if I have to provide a social security number for Susan King? Or maybe I can get a prepaid debit card.

But then I thought about it again. Why worry, it was not a problem for the hotel staff. Sometimes we are our worst critic.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday January 23, 2016 - My Shoes

Saturday, I went shoe shopping at a local Payless Shoe store. I like to visit these stores when I am out of town, just to see if they have some different styles.

I like Payless because of their variety of shoes in women's size 12. I wore a pair of Payless boots all day from about 9 am until 7 pm. I was able to walk in them all day with out pain. However when I took them off to try on some shoess, my feet were sore.

The socks definitely protected my feet and ankles from shoe rubbing. But the soreness made it difficult for me to stand. I just gutted it out because I wanted to try on a couple of pairs of shoes.

When I got back to the hotel, I took my boots off and soaked my feet in the bathtub, using hot water. I have read hot water, cold water or switching between the two is best. I just used hot water. After soaking and then sitting at the computer for awhile, my feet felt much better.

Now I know why my mother use to soak her feet after being out all day in heels.

Those boots were a winner yesterday and I will definitely wear them again. I took a picture and sent it to my daughter and thanked her for the birthday present.

I found only three pairs of shoes to try on. I took that short video with the red flats, using them as slippers and doing a Wizard of Oz wish for a Fashion Fair makeover.

Below are a picture of each pair I tried. I liked both heels.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Saturday January 23, 2016 - My Makeover downer

I went to all three Fashion Fair counters and none of them had my color. Each clerk complained that the daughter who is now running the company is not producing enough makeup to keep all of the customers happy and shelves full.

It was disappointing that again I could not get a makeover from Fashion Fair.

I went to Payless Shoes and put on some red slippers. I clicked my heels and wished for a Fashion Fair makeover. LOL

The last clerk recommended that I try MAC products. So I went over to MAC to get a makeover. But their requirement of a $60 purchase was too steep, given that I may not like the makeup.

So I will move on to ULTA Beauty for my next makeover.

I ended up spending all day with only lipstick. But it did not stop me from working and running errands. I will discuss my day in my next post.

One last item. I stated in my previous post that the wind made my hair difficult to control.

I also noticed that with my hair covering my face, it appeared that I was using my hair to hide my face. I think sometimes it gives a "crossdresser" look in which you try and hide your face. I noticed most women had their hair pulled back or framed around their face.

So I pulled my hair back to show off more of my face. I think with my hair back, it a more nature feminine look. What do you think?



Friday January 22, 2016 - My outfit today

Today I am in Savannah looking at some property for a client. I decided to go as Susan and spend the day and this evening working and shopping. I am going to get a makeover today. I will discuss that later, but i just wanted to show my outfit.

Its cool in Savannah today, but I wore a brown outfit with my brown coat I bought last winter in New Jersey. I found it at the Goodwill and it matched that outfit perfectly and it was in my size.
I love the fur and its very warm with a fur liner.

I wore a multi-color brown sweater with a long hemline. I added a bronze belt and light brown leggings.

I wore the brown boots my daughter bought me for my birthday. I then found a pair of knee hi wool socks that matched my color theme. I worn them to protect my feet, add thickness to my ankles and color to my legs. I rolled the socks up and puffed them out. I like the look.

These boots are from Payless Shoes and they feel comfortable, even with these socks.

It is windy and I am having trouble controlling my hair. These are the little things you realize overtime. I have some bows and will use one to pull my hair back

 My face looks a little rough because I only added lipstick. I need my face to be clean for the makeover. So even with over 100 hours of electrology, I see a little darkness around the beard area without foundation.

That is OK when in Femboy mode but not as Susan. Its OK today because I want that makeover.

This current shadow is not close to my shadow before I started electrology. By 2017, the beard shadow will be gone.

My makeover appointment is not until 4:30 pm est. So I am inspecting these properties and running errands until my makeover.

After my makeover, I am going to buy a dress at Goodwill and go out tonight.

I will post my makeover results later night or in the morning. Tomorrow I will post my night out.

Friday January 22, 2016 - Making my Makeover appointment

I learned from my last department store makeover that I need to call ahead of time and set an appointment. So I called the three Fashion Fair counters in Savannah to make an appointment. Now I have not started voice lessons yet, so I am decidedly male on the phone.

The first store I called asked me if my appointment was for my wife. I said no, its for me. She paused and then asked for my name. I thought about using Susan King, but instead I gave my male name. As she wrote it down I asked what times were an available for Friday. She stated that the lady will be in from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Then she asked me again what time my wife would want to come by. I told her again it was for me and 2:30 pm was fine. She said OK and we hung up.

I said to myself, how come a man can not get a makeover. Now I will be there as Susan, but so what if a guy wants to try on makeup. The clerk was obviously shaken but was polite and did her job.

For me this was a mental break thru. I would have never done this in the past because I was too embarrassed. I am not longer embarrassed.

This it is who I am and I am going to accept it and enjoy my life the way it should be and do what makes me happy. I am tired on looking thru the window and wishing for what I want. I am going to get what I want.

The second store I called was different. The clerk sounded younger and I told her I wanted to make an appointment for a makeover, she asked for my name and offered me some time slots. She stated that there was a two item minimum purchase after the makeover. I told her that was fine because even if I decide to not buy the foundation, I will buy some lipstick, blush or eye shadow.  I took an early time and she thanked me for calling. WOW, no issue, just good service.

The third store asked if the makeover was for my wife. I told her no and that it was for me. She offered me a couple of time slots and took my name.

I have decided I am going to choose between store #2 and #3. I think the clerk at store #1 is not use to the gender issue and may not have the experience to do a good job.

When I had my Clinque makeover, the clerk stated that she had worked with "crosssdressers" before. So I felt more comfortable with her.

I am excited about my makeover later today.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday January 21, 2016 - Makeover in Savannah

I am going to Savannah today. I have a few properties to inspect for a client. I really like Savannah. Its the main Georgia port which grew from the cotton and slavery industries. There are many very large homes with tree lined streets and small parks scattered throughout the downtown area.

Many of the larger homes have been converted to Bed and Breakfast businesses to meet the needs of a large tourist business (13M visitors in 2013). The Riverwalk area has been renovated into a nice tourist area with shops and restaurants along the River which is still being used by large tankers.

My client owns a few of those converted homes and I look forward to seeing them.

I am going to use the time to get a makeover at the Fashion Fair counter. I switched from Avon to Fashion Fair back in the 1990's because of their foundation. Fashion Fair cosmetics was, and I think still is  a small African -American cosmetic company that started to fill a need not being met by the larger cosmetic firms. Now all firms offer darker foundations which has made Fashion Fair obsolete. Based on business theory, they should have sold out, like Johnson Products did because the African American market was going to consolidate among a few large firms.

Its mostly older woman, like myself who still use Fashion Fair. I just want to see what a Fashion Fair consultant can do with my makeup. Their foundation has certain undertones which really match my skin tone.

This will be my second makeover at a mall counter. I want to try a MAC and Ulta Beauty makeover later this year. From the four, I had a Clinque makeover in November, I will choose the best results as my main foundation.

Right now I am using a Revlon foundation from the drugstore. It works for now because its inexpensive which allows me to experiment with foundation colors, contouring and highlighting.

I am going to set an appointment today for Friday morning and will spend the rest of the day as Susan. Friday night I am going to go out to dinner, a movie and then a club.

I post my makeover result on Friday and my night out on Saturday.

For those interested, here is a show 3+ minute tourist video.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday January 20, 2015 - MY HRT chart

I have been thinking about how I want to notate my early start to my lifetime of hormone replacement therapy. I want to take the first 24 months after I start in June 2016, and show the monthly physical changes.

To me, the best way to show the affects is with pictures of me naked. However, I want this to me a g-rated blog, so naked pictures are a problem. Also, even though I am feeling better about my body, I am nervous bearing my body for everyone to see.

But, this would be an excellent opportunity to share and educate our community about the impact of HRT on at least one person, me.

I would love to know what you think, either by making a comment or to my email ( I am going to start in June 2016 and end in July 2018.

Below is an example of how each monthly image could look. I will take a front and side picture. Then I will measure myself and show my size and the change from the month before.

Wednesday January 20, 2016 - I think I am going to like this Transwoman Web Series

Jen Richards of  the "I am Cait" docu-series, has written, produced and starred in a new web drama series about the everyday life of transwomen.

It's called, Her Story.

Her Story is a 6-episode new-media series that looks inside the dating lives of trans & queer women as they navigate the intersections of desire & identity. and the first episode was just posted.

I have posted the first episode below and its only about 8 minutes long. If you have a few minutes, check it out.

Also I have added the series 1 minute trailer, if you want to know more about the upcoming first season.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday January 19, 2016 - Movie: I am a Girl!

I ran across with short movie called, "I am a Girl!". It's a dutch docu-movie about a 13-year old transgirl.  It has English subtitles and lasts about 15 minutes.

But I found it interesting to see what a young trans-teen goes through in a more accepting community. She deals with boy issues and hanging out with her girlfriends.

If you have about 15 minutes, its worth the watch.

REPOST: Tuesday January 19, 2016 - Another first on "Yes to the Dress"

*** I made an error yesterday and published three posts yesterday. One of the posts "Instagram" was suppose to be for today. Plus some readers may have missed my main Monday post about the "Yes To The Dress" . So I am posting it again today. ****

Have you every watched the TV show, "Yes to the Dress"? I have not but its a show about brides buying their wedding dress.

Coming soon, is an episode first, the bride is a Transwoman. I am going to have to watch this episode. Plus she is a home girl from Atlanta.

This is another move forward because it will hopefully allow people to see Transwoman in a positive light with feelings and opinions that are similar to others.

Our enemies try to cast us as evil predators lurking in the shadows or bathrooms. That is why its important that we engage with the public and show our humanity.

Below is a preview of the episode.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday January 18, 2016 - MLK, Jr. Holiday - My Dream

I take this day to Dream about what could have been and what is still possible. As I take this journey, I realize that so much is possible. I can still live my life long dream, should I choose. It's not about what others think. Its about what I think.

What I think has an impact on what I will do. Sure it's hard, but so was college, graduate school, my career and raising children. However, the benefits out weighted to cost.

I remember when I lost all my weight. Some of my friends had a hard time with the difference. But they got use to it. I had people say that they thought I had cancer, HIV or were on drugs. I laughed and told them I was hooked on a health life.

In 2016, HRT with change my appearance again and people will adjust and then move on. So as I think about 2016, I dream about the possibilities and I am excited.

Monday January 18, 2016 - Another first on "Yes to the Dress"

Have you every watched the TV show, "Yes to the Dress"? I have not but its a show about brides buying their wedding dress.

Coming soon, is an episode first, the bride is a Transwoman. I am going to have to watch this episode. Plus she is a home girl from Atlanta.

This is another move forward because it will hopefully allow people to see Transwoman in a positive light with feelings and opinions that are similar to others.

Our enemies try to cast us as evil predators lurking in the shadows or bathrooms. That is why its important that we engage with the public and show our humanity.

Below is a preview of the episode.

Monday January 18, 2016 - My daughter send me this Instagram video

My youngest daughter who went with me to get my belly pierced and introduced me to her co-worker as her Dad when I was presenting as Susan, sent me this Instagram video.

A video posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday January 17, 2016 - Shoe Shopping

Saturday, after my pedicure, I went shoe shopping at Payless Shoes. I had a 25% off coupon in my email inbox. So I decided to see if I could find some steeply discounted shoes ($10 per pr).

I went to two stores. At the first store, I tried on two pair of shoes. The first pair are the black pair of flats with lace. I like these shoes because they will go with a nice laced top,. I do not have a top yet, but I want those shoes in my closet for when I find a top to match.

While shopping  another lady next to me looking for a pair of black heels. She found a pair, so I asked her if she had a coupon. She said no, so I asked for her email and forwarded her my coupon.

She thanked me and used it to save $7.00. While I was trying on another pair, another lady came over to buy a pair of boots. She needed a brown pair because she said her other pair looked old. I asked her if she had a coupon. She said no and I emailed her my coupon. She really appreciated it because her money was tight. She saved $10.00.

I ended up not buying any shoes but I was happy that the two ladies were able to use the coupon. Plus that was my positive Karma for the day. I predict I will receive that Karma back in the near future. Also, doing something nice for both ladies will hopefully give them a more positive opinion of gender fluid people.

I left this store and headed south to the second Payless store. Upon entering the store, the sales lady came over and asked where I had been. She stated that they (meaning the store clerks) has not seen me lately. I told her that my money was low due to the holidays and that I came by to use my emailed coupon.

She said that I could use the coupon on any pair or pairs of shoes. I smiled and said my goal was to use the coupon on clearance shoes only. She smiled and showed the clearance section to me. As she was leaving, she said welcome back.

I felt so welcomed by her. But I still could not find a clearance shoe that I wanted. So I left empty handed.

Here are the shoes, I tried on.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday February 16, 2016 - Pedicure

I finally got a chance to get a pedicure today. I decided to make it a femboy day since I had not gotten out in a while because of the holiday and I have been very busy.

I got up early because on Saturday, I figured it would get crowded. I got to the spa within 1 hour of it opening. The owner and my technician were glad to see me and wondered where I had been.

We talked for a few minutes while my tech prepared the spa chair. The owner was wearing a pretty laced black dress and I complimented her on it.

There were only two other customers, one getting a pedicure and her teenage daughter getting a manicure.

I sat in the chair and put my feet in the warm water. I decided to keep the french tip style and have a cute small flower added.

The last pedicure I received was from a substitute tech as my tech was on vacation. Personally, I like the substitute's french tip style better. The white tip was a little thinner and looked more natural.

Overall I was pleased to get my feet back in feminine condition. It feels much better and looks so much better.

It had been bothering me that I had not had a pedicure in over 2 months. Last year, I got a pedicure about once a month. I would say 3 or 4 weeks is long enough.

About 15 times a year at about $25 each is $300 per year. That is worth it to keep my toes cute.

After I left the spa, I went shoe shopping and makeup shopping. I will discuss those errands in tomorrow's post.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday January 15, 2016 - Pedicure

Saturday, I am going to get an overdue pedicure. My last one was in November 2015 and my feet are looking bad. My daily routine keeps my feet nice, clean  and soft. But my nails need some work.

I am going to stick with a basic french tip with a nice design on the big toe.

I go to the same spa and try to get the same technician each time.  I have been to this spa about 10 times over the past year.

If you have not had a pedicure, you must try it, even if you do not get your toes painted.

I see more and more men getting them because it is relaxing and your feet do look cleaner.

Below is the design I wanted added to my big toes. I like the two little flowers on each big toe.

Friday January 15, 2016 - Makeup practice

Yesterday, I took a few hours practicing applying my makeup. This is one of my 2016 goals which is to get my makeup right and feel comfortable with it.

I am confident with my lipstick, mascara and eyeliner because I wear that in Femboy mode. But my foundation with highlighting and contouring, eye shadow and eyebrows need work. Then putting them all together for that cute look, is what I am working on.

I remember as a little girl wanting to play with makeup, but could not because I was required to crossdresss as a boy.

I need a vanity but for now I will use the bathroom. I took some pictures but my camera and the lighting is not that great. You will have to excuse the picture quality until I can upgrade both lighting and camera.

I actually did my makeup twice. The first time, I did only half my face to see the difference and the second time, I completed a total application.

The above picture, is my results from my second attempt.

My main goal today was foundation work. I stated in yesterday's post that I bought some additional contouring concealer (dark) and a black eyebrow pencil. My usual eyebrow pencil is a dark brown that works every well when I am not wearing foundation. But its looks too close to my foundation color to accent and frame my eyebrows. This supports my believe that my foundation color might be slightly too dark.

But I will work with what I have now. I did find that lightly lighter foundation color (to replace this current foundation color) and I may buy that for my next practice session.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday January 14, 2016 - Makeup time

I was feeling down and out today. Plus, I am feeling fat. I did not workout last night and I am still trying to control my eating. I eat late in the morning and then late at night. Then during the day I nibble. Those are the worst three habits to have.

I should eat earlier in the morning to start my metabolism and then stop eating around 8 pm.  I am trying to drink more water throughout the day and reduce my portions. I will keep working on it. At least my exercising is going strong.

To give me a lift, I went out and bought a few makeup items and decided to play with my makeup. I wanted to work on my foundation application and try some concealer to reduce the bags under my eyes. I will post some pictures later today.

I bought a darker concealer. It's the one in the small tube between the two bottles. If you notice I have two foundations, the regular and a second lighter color for highlighting. I now have two concealers, one lighter and one darker for my eyes.

I want to try using all four items for a different look. Also, I want to learn how to apply the foundation for a smoother and lighter finish.

I also bought a black eyebrow pencil. It maybe too dark, but I could not find a darker brown at the beauty store. If this one is too dark, I will hunt for a dark brown. My current one is too light with this foundation.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday January 13, 2016 - Still thinking about this photo.

I can not get this lovely photo out of my mind. I posted a family album of this family. What drew me to it was this photo of the wife breastfeeding her child.

She is a transwoman who had two children with her wife using her stored sperm.

When I had my children, I was so envious of my wife breastfeeding our three girls.

Next to giving birth, this is a special time of bonding between mother and child.  I always wanted to experience this type bonding. I am so happy to see someone being able to do that.

There are people who say transwoman can not breastfeed. Here are two articles discussing the issue. (one -two)

I can now see this occurring more frequently.

With same-sex marriage, transwoman transitioning at a younger age and the millennial generation more accepting, I expect more transwoman to have this opportunity to build a very special and fulfilling life.

There is research being done that shows the possibility of uterus transplants and these transplanted organs carrying a fetus and giving birth. There have been 9 transplants, 5 pregnancies and four births. This procedure will only improve over time.

I am beyond the age of being able to participate in child birth or breastfeeding. But its a great to see this becoming a possible option for young transwoman.