Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday August 28, 2015 - Femboy or Female

Wednesday, I decided to go to the doctor as a women and not a Femboy. I realized that the difference between the two is narrowing. I replaced my hat with a wig, flats with heels and a sports bra with a padded bra. My clothes and makeup remained the same.

Femboy Look
Female Look

I could not get a good full length photo of me at the doctor. The outside pictures I tried to take, did not come out well. So I tried to squeeze a full length photo using the chair in the exam room. Below are my attempts at some more photos.

The only difference between the two looks above is hair and heels.

I thought about this. My Femboy look has been slowly moving toward a more female look. My makeup, now only needs  foundation added. I will update my foundation, once I finish my electrology sessions.

On Wednesday, I added my padded bra to my Femboy look. I decided not to replace my padded bra with a racing bra which flattens my chest.

I went to CVS, Payless Shoes and Goodwill after my doctor's appointment. Even with a small but cute bra line, I felt comfortable and had no issues all day.

I doubt I will permanently add a padded bra to my Femboy look. I think a Femboy look should have a flat chest. But I think I did look cute in that padded bra. A felt just a little more feminine.

I am still happy about my appointment. So I added a countdown clock to my future HRT appointment on June 10, 2016.

This is me in the exam room waiting on the doctor.

This is my best attempt at a photo outside. I could not get a good photo. The sun was too bright and in a bad position. I could not find a place to sit my camera and have the sun in the right position. Darn!

The exam room was so small, I could not get a nice full length photo. Here is my best attempt. I was looking at this photo and imaging what a year of HRT will do to my face. I think my cheeks will round out along with an overall fuller face.

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