Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday August 17, 2016 - Female wardrobe for boyish figure

Yesterday I mentioned that I like wearing my regular bras over my sports bras. This is a recent change.

I was not sure why, but I noticed something Tuesday. While showing and dressing, I noticed a slight heaviness or weight in my chest area. The sports bra holds me in but does not give me the support. My regular bras give me support by spreading out that weight and I feel the difference.

Therefore as I continue to slowly grow, my support needs is moving me to regular bras.

Before I started HRT, I had a square boyish figure (flatter stomach). Then over the last year, I gained weight around my stomach and become more apple. Now as my figure changes, again, my clothes will need to change. Below is a short video that discusses the type of wardrobes that make the boyish body more feminine.

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