I stated in my previous post about the change is public reaction to gender variant people. I stated how I have had no negative reaction when out as a Femboy. In fact I have had many positive interactions. I now look forward in going out and meeting people when it is obvious I have a feminine appearance (clothes, makeup, jewelry and purse). Yet I am using my male voice.
This is so much different than 1990's, when I was out and received numerous negative reaction.
Yesterday I stated in my post that the Internet has to be part of the turnaround. Then I thought about TV.
Modern Family is a top TV comedy that began in the fall of 2009. I am not a regular viewer, but I did notice the main gay couple. As a major TV show (now in syndication), I was wondering its impact on the public's attitude toward us.
My thesis is that Modern Family did have a very positive impact on public perception and opinions about the lgbt community. This has led to public acceptance or at least a laissez faire attitude.
Now I am not a social scientist and my theory maybe flawed, but its interesting.
Below are the Nielsen ratings for Modern Family. These numbers are the average weekly viewership per season.
2009 - 9,390,000
2010 - 11,890,000
2011 - 12,930,000
2012 - 12,310,000
2013 - 11,790,000
2014 - Not in Yet
The show was a major hit. It showed three families within one major family. One of those families is gay and has a child. I have not watched the show much, but I like that the gay couple is a normal couple with the same issues as the others couples. Its a comedy but the characters are realistic and not sideshow clowns.
To judge public opinion, I used polling data about same-sex marriage. I used this data because there is alot of polling data over many years and we can see the trends. I figured that this opinion is probably close to the overall opinions of the public toward the lbgt community.
I found data from 2004 thru 2014 from two respected polling firms, Pew and Gallup
The Pew polling shows that in 2004, only 29% was for same-sex marriage. This low mark was partly due to the Bush-Kerry election in which Bush ran a very tough anti same-sex marriage campaign.
The numbers rose and leveled off in 2005 thru 2009. But once Modern Family aired in late 2009, notice the drastic change in opinion. In three years, at the height of Modern Family viewership (2011), the poll shows an eleven point swing toward same-sex marriage. The next year, same-sex marriage turns positive. That trend is still continuing.
The against percentage was trending downward since 2007. Its the for trend line that began to move upward in 2009, the first year of Modern Family. The for trend line appears to be moving upward at a faster pace and is causing the spread to turn positive faster.
The above Gallup data is showing similar results as PEW. 2004, was a low because of the Presidential Elections. The results are similar to PEW, with 2009 showing a significant movement upward for the For same-sex marriage group. It starts at 40% in 2008 and move upward every year and last year reached 55%. Again the against community has been slowly trending downward since 2007. The Gallup polling numbers show that at the height of Modern Family viewership (2011), The public opinion for same-sex marriage turned positive.
It seems to me from the above data, that Modern Family did have some impact of the public's change in opinion about same-sex marriage which leads to a change in opinion about other LGBT issues. I think that includes gender variant people. I am sure the internet and politics are important variables which have an impact on public opinion.
But showing positive role models on TV is very important. More positive transgender role models from Orange is the New Black to Transparent are going to continue that change in public opinion.
We can help by getting out in public, showing our femininity and having positive interactions with people.
What do you think?
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Friday January 30, 2015 - My Femboy Day
I spent yesterday in Femboy mode. My plan was to finish my work by 1 pm and get out and run errands in the afternoon.
Well it did not work out that way. It took me all day to finish my work and email the finished product. By 5:45 pm, it was too late to run most of my errands because the traffic is too bad.
However, my work caused me to go out and take some pictures. So I went out around 11 am to take the photos. My first stop was to take some photos of a vacant lot on a back side street with vacant homes.
As a guy I would not think twice about getting out and taking the photos. But this time I had two issues, the cleanliness of my clothes and safety.
Both my jacket and boots were creme color. So I was very careful where I stepped and make sure I did not brush up against anything or step in any trash. As you can see the road was narrow and the street is unkept.
The safety issue was due to being on a narrow side road with mostly vacant and boarded houses. As a femboy, I understand that there are predators who may feel that a feminine guy is an easy mark. So I made sure of my surroundings and did not linger. I took a picture and then jumped in the car to the next spot.
I had no issues. Even when I was on the main street and had to get out and take some picture of the surrounding businesses.
Once I finished, I decided to visit another property, since it was nearby. It was a boarded up 3 building apartment complex. When I pulled up, I noticed a car parking in the rear lot. So with safety in mind, I stayed in my car and drove to each building and took a picture.
When I got to the front, I got out and took some street scenes and additional building shoots. Then I noticed that car, parked in the back, pull up next to my car. Now that red car was between me and my car. This young guy got out and I noticed a security badge and jacket. He asked if I worked for the new owner. I told him no and that I was working for the broker. He stated that he met the broker and they talked for a long time. The broker is an old associate of mine and he does talk alot.
Well this young security talks a lot too. He is interested in real estate investing. So we spent over 30 minutes talking about investing. When I was young I invested in real estate. My strategy was to buy low and sell high, which I did.
For example, I knew the real estate market was in trouble in 2005 and 2006. So I sold all my investment properties by December 2006.
I told him I was too old to start over again but I gave him my ideas on how he can become wealthy through long-term investing. Then I sent him contact information on three young guys in the market now and he should connect with them and build his network.
Through all of this, he did not appear to notice how feminine my appearance was. From my lipstick, jewelry, boots, jacket and leggings we talked like I was in boy mode. He was friendly and I talked using my guy voice. He called me sir, which did not bother me because I am not trying to pass when in Femboy mode.
We exchanged cell phone numbers and we have since texted back and forth about real estate. I told him to contact me anytime if he has any questions. I alway try and help the younger generation. I tell them that I am looking for my replacement. :-}
As I drove off, I could not help but think how times have changed so fast. I think its social networking and smartphones. Everyone is connected and people are accepting so much. Look at how same-sex marriage, as an issue has changed in the last 10 years.
People are becoming more accepting because its not an unknown nor is it scary. With just a few clicks or screen touches, you can see and learn about anything.
Think about it, you now have transgirls and transguys in high school students winning school pageants. As we get out, we can help accelerate that change by engaging people. That guy, I met today may or may not talk to his friends about me, but I bet from our meeting a feminine guy is not to be dismissed.
Its the same situation I had at Ultra Beauty, where I met the young makeup artist. We are still in contact and I have helped her make two connections within the movie making industry.
Each one teach one.
So it was another very successful, yet brief femboy outing.
BTW, those boots are so comfortable. Not only do they look great but they feel great and kept my feet nice and warm. I wore knee-hi stockings underneath them. I had no rubbing issues and I think socks my have created too much warmth.
Well it did not work out that way. It took me all day to finish my work and email the finished product. By 5:45 pm, it was too late to run most of my errands because the traffic is too bad.
However, my work caused me to go out and take some pictures. So I went out around 11 am to take the photos. My first stop was to take some photos of a vacant lot on a back side street with vacant homes.
As a guy I would not think twice about getting out and taking the photos. But this time I had two issues, the cleanliness of my clothes and safety.
Both my jacket and boots were creme color. So I was very careful where I stepped and make sure I did not brush up against anything or step in any trash. As you can see the road was narrow and the street is unkept.
The safety issue was due to being on a narrow side road with mostly vacant and boarded houses. As a femboy, I understand that there are predators who may feel that a feminine guy is an easy mark. So I made sure of my surroundings and did not linger. I took a picture and then jumped in the car to the next spot.
I had no issues. Even when I was on the main street and had to get out and take some picture of the surrounding businesses.
Once I finished, I decided to visit another property, since it was nearby. It was a boarded up 3 building apartment complex. When I pulled up, I noticed a car parking in the rear lot. So with safety in mind, I stayed in my car and drove to each building and took a picture.
When I got to the front, I got out and took some street scenes and additional building shoots. Then I noticed that car, parked in the back, pull up next to my car. Now that red car was between me and my car. This young guy got out and I noticed a security badge and jacket. He asked if I worked for the new owner. I told him no and that I was working for the broker. He stated that he met the broker and they talked for a long time. The broker is an old associate of mine and he does talk alot.
Well this young security talks a lot too. He is interested in real estate investing. So we spent over 30 minutes talking about investing. When I was young I invested in real estate. My strategy was to buy low and sell high, which I did.
For example, I knew the real estate market was in trouble in 2005 and 2006. So I sold all my investment properties by December 2006.
I told him I was too old to start over again but I gave him my ideas on how he can become wealthy through long-term investing. Then I sent him contact information on three young guys in the market now and he should connect with them and build his network.
Through all of this, he did not appear to notice how feminine my appearance was. From my lipstick, jewelry, boots, jacket and leggings we talked like I was in boy mode. He was friendly and I talked using my guy voice. He called me sir, which did not bother me because I am not trying to pass when in Femboy mode.
We exchanged cell phone numbers and we have since texted back and forth about real estate. I told him to contact me anytime if he has any questions. I alway try and help the younger generation. I tell them that I am looking for my replacement. :-}
As I drove off, I could not help but think how times have changed so fast. I think its social networking and smartphones. Everyone is connected and people are accepting so much. Look at how same-sex marriage, as an issue has changed in the last 10 years.
People are becoming more accepting because its not an unknown nor is it scary. With just a few clicks or screen touches, you can see and learn about anything.
Think about it, you now have transgirls and transguys in high school students winning school pageants. As we get out, we can help accelerate that change by engaging people. That guy, I met today may or may not talk to his friends about me, but I bet from our meeting a feminine guy is not to be dismissed.
Its the same situation I had at Ultra Beauty, where I met the young makeup artist. We are still in contact and I have helped her make two connections within the movie making industry.
Each one teach one.
So it was another very successful, yet brief femboy outing.
BTW, those boots are so comfortable. Not only do they look great but they feel great and kept my feet nice and warm. I wore knee-hi stockings underneath them. I had no rubbing issues and I think socks my have created too much warmth.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Thursday January 29, 2015 - Femboy Day. YEAH
Today, I am spending the day in Femboy Mode. I have some office work to complete this morning. But this afternoon, I am going out to run errands. Ofcourse, I will shop, but I also need to go pickup some alternations and find a new book to read.
I need to go to the bank and probably eat dinner while shopping.
In the coming days, I will let you know what happens. So check back.
As you may have noticed, I am wearing my new cute boots. Its cold today but dry, so its a perfect day.
My makeup today includes my daily mascara with an added layer and lipstick. I added a little red color to my normal clear lip gloss along with an underlying maroon lip liner. I not only line my lips but cover my whole lip to set the base for the lipstick and gloss.
Here are some additional pictures. The picture above and left shows my boots. I love them. They fit great and match my coat. They are so warm. I did not realize they had a side zipper. Earlier, I just loosened the front strings and put them on.
Next, to the left, is a closeup of my face. The glasses, hide the mascara, but hopefully you can see the lip gloss with color and my earrings.
I need to find a better way to take closeups without leaving a shadow. I bought a couple of brighter light bulbs which help when putting on makeup. But its impact on the photos are not that great.
This is part of the fun of the journey, always learning something new.
I need to go to the bank and probably eat dinner while shopping.
In the coming days, I will let you know what happens. So check back.
As you may have noticed, I am wearing my new cute boots. Its cold today but dry, so its a perfect day.
My makeup today includes my daily mascara with an added layer and lipstick. I added a little red color to my normal clear lip gloss along with an underlying maroon lip liner. I not only line my lips but cover my whole lip to set the base for the lipstick and gloss.
Here are some additional pictures. The picture above and left shows my boots. I love them. They fit great and match my coat. They are so warm. I did not realize they had a side zipper. Earlier, I just loosened the front strings and put them on.
Next, to the left, is a closeup of my face. The glasses, hide the mascara, but hopefully you can see the lip gloss with color and my earrings.
I need to find a better way to take closeups without leaving a shadow. I bought a couple of brighter light bulbs which help when putting on makeup. But its impact on the photos are not that great.
This is part of the fun of the journey, always learning something new.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wednesday January 28, 2015 - MTF Voice
I love my Femboy look. Going out is not only natural but I am not under pressure to pass. However, as I move forward, I must decide whether to stop my journey here or move forward to a more female appearance.
As I continue to feminize, then I will be moving from Femboy to Female. Female mode will require better makeup and voice to make passing easiler.
At this time my main issue is that economically I need to spend most of my time as a male. However, I am changing my job and work and telling people around me in an attempt to be live in a feminine mode more often without reducing my income too much.
I have been researching makeup, voice and hair. I have written recent posts on hair and makeup, but not voice.
Today, I wanted to write about voice and include some of the resources I use.
Currently my voice is very male. I have tried to feminize it, but I have not been able to practice enough. The technology is changing that makes developing a practice routine easier.
I use a phone app called PitchLab. It allows me to use my cellphone to practice and get feedback. This app is setup for guitars and the music industry but works great for instant feedback. I practice by talking into my phone and watching the meter. I also record my practice, so I can play it back.
For me the main problem is getting use to the internal hearing for my voice as I speak. I am not confident enough to trust my female voice during normal interaction with the public. But like makeup, I continue to practice and build my confidence.
Below are some of the videos I watch, a couple of nice reddit sites and a podcast.
Also there are some good Reddit sites:
As I continue to feminize, then I will be moving from Femboy to Female. Female mode will require better makeup and voice to make passing easiler.
At this time my main issue is that economically I need to spend most of my time as a male. However, I am changing my job and work and telling people around me in an attempt to be live in a feminine mode more often without reducing my income too much.
I have been researching makeup, voice and hair. I have written recent posts on hair and makeup, but not voice.
Today, I wanted to write about voice and include some of the resources I use.
Currently my voice is very male. I have tried to feminize it, but I have not been able to practice enough. The technology is changing that makes developing a practice routine easier.
I use a phone app called PitchLab. It allows me to use my cellphone to practice and get feedback. This app is setup for guitars and the music industry but works great for instant feedback. I practice by talking into my phone and watching the meter. I also record my practice, so I can play it back.
For me the main problem is getting use to the internal hearing for my voice as I speak. I am not confident enough to trust my female voice during normal interaction with the public. But like makeup, I continue to practice and build my confidence.
Below are some of the videos I watch, a couple of nice reddit sites and a podcast.
Also there are some good Reddit sites:
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tuesday January 27, 2015 - I told another Family member
One of my goals is to come out to my family and friends. In one of my previous posts, I talked about how I told my oldest daughter (30 years old) about my transgenderism.
Well yesterday, I told my youngest brother (52 years old). He is 6 years younger than me. When my parents discovered my stash (women's clothes, not drugs.... well my "drug"), I was 12-13 years old and my brother was 6 or 7. He remembers me going to a doctor but not what it was for. When I went to college at 18, he was only 12.
After we came from visiting our Mom, who is 85 years old on January 27th, we were just talking. As we talked about family, I decided to bring it up. It's so nerve racking, because you want to say something but you are afraid of the response.
So I just said, "I am transgendered".
"What exactly is that?"
I went on the explain that its more than crossdressing and that I feel I was born female, Because of the times (1960's & 1970's), our cousin's crossdressing and our father's public persona, I felt a need to conform.
My brother took it well by saying that it explained a few things.
In my family, we do not talk about serious issues and tell people what they want to hear. So he would never ask me to explain these two events.
He asked alot of questions. He wanted to know, if I plan to transition. I told him that I do not know but I have a journey and that at each step I will decide when to stop.
I am coming to the end of step two (step 1 - weight loss, step 2 - beard removal). Step 3 is HRT.
I explained while the family was going to family counceling, I was also going to a separate group therapy session. This kind of answered some questions he always have since his pre-teen days
At the end, we said he was happy I told him and that he has my back and will support whatever I decide. It felt really good to have his support. I think that next time I spend the day as a Femboy, I am going to visit my brother. He is currently between jobs and will probably be working again in February.
Well I am 2 for 2, my brother and oldest daughter. My sister and other two daughters are next. Then it will be really tough as I move out to friends and other relatives.
Well yesterday, I told my youngest brother (52 years old). He is 6 years younger than me. When my parents discovered my stash (women's clothes, not drugs.... well my "drug"), I was 12-13 years old and my brother was 6 or 7. He remembers me going to a doctor but not what it was for. When I went to college at 18, he was only 12.
After we came from visiting our Mom, who is 85 years old on January 27th, we were just talking. As we talked about family, I decided to bring it up. It's so nerve racking, because you want to say something but you are afraid of the response.
So I just said, "I am transgendered".
"What exactly is that?"
I went on the explain that its more than crossdressing and that I feel I was born female, Because of the times (1960's & 1970's), our cousin's crossdressing and our father's public persona, I felt a need to conform.
My brother took it well by saying that it explained a few things.
- In 2010, when I started to lose weight, I used the gym at my brother's apartment. He was traveling for a living, so I had a key to his place. One day I left my panties in the bathroom. He thought I brought a women to his apartment. I laughted and told him, in a way it was, her name is Susan and its me.
- Another time, I was wearing bike shorts and with my shaved legs and flats, He thought it was a strange look.
In my family, we do not talk about serious issues and tell people what they want to hear. So he would never ask me to explain these two events.
He asked alot of questions. He wanted to know, if I plan to transition. I told him that I do not know but I have a journey and that at each step I will decide when to stop.
I am coming to the end of step two (step 1 - weight loss, step 2 - beard removal). Step 3 is HRT.
I explained while the family was going to family counceling, I was also going to a separate group therapy session. This kind of answered some questions he always have since his pre-teen days
At the end, we said he was happy I told him and that he has my back and will support whatever I decide. It felt really good to have his support. I think that next time I spend the day as a Femboy, I am going to visit my brother. He is currently between jobs and will probably be working again in February.
Well I am 2 for 2, my brother and oldest daughter. My sister and other two daughters are next. Then it will be really tough as I move out to friends and other relatives.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday January 26, 2015 - Online Feminizing Resources
Below is a list of web resources that can improve your feminine appearance. I have a variety of links that are grouped by subject. The set below is in the area of overall feminizing.
I will continue to add links to this set. If you would like to share some of the web resources you have found and/or used, please leave a comment and I will add them to this set of links.
An explanation of each link.
I will continue to add links to this set. If you would like to share some of the web resources you have found and/or used, please leave a comment and I will add them to this set of links.
Please click of the left icon and not the title.
An explanation of each link.
- Feminine Walk shows an interactive Stick Person in motion. You can change the characteristics from male to female and three other items. This biomotion shows you how you should walk as a woman.
- Safety Tips shows the top 10 tips for women. As a guy, we do not take our overall saftey as seriously as women. But as we present as female or a femboy, we could easily attract predators. If our presentation is good enough or we attract anti-LGBT bullies, we need to understand basic safety rules. For example: as a femboy, I have my car keys in my hand when I leave a store and I park in open areas.
- Temporary Tattoos shows how to put on a tattoo that can be removed. I am getting into small feminine tattoos for my arm, leg or foot. Something feminine I can wear for the day that match my outfit. Its like makeup and I can remove it at night.
- Create Cleavage (PICTORIAL) is a set of pictures showing how to add cleavage.
- Create Cleavage (VIDEO) is a nice video.
- MTF Diet while on HRT should not be called a diet but a lifestyle change. You are going to be on HRT for the rest of your life. A diet assumes a temporary change in eating habits. It needs to be permanent. That is why I call it a lifestyle change.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Sunday January 25, 2015 - Free Breast Health Screening
I received some information about a free breast health screening in Atlanta, Ga. Not everyone who reads this blog lives in Metro Atlanta, but if you are close or can get here using low cost transportation, take advantage of this program.
You may not to take advantage of this program.
The transgender and gender non-conforming day to receive these services is:
Saturday, 2/14 at Absolute Care. If you could send this message out to lists you’re on or directly to individuals that may be interested, that would be fantastic.
Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Breast Health Screening Day
Saturday, Feb 14th @ Absolute Care 9am-1pm
Free Clinical Breast Exams & Mammograms
Must be 35 years or older to receive mammogram
To Register: https://thehealthinitiative.wufoo.com/forms/wle2xf8101nstc/
Trans individuals are welcome to access services on these alternate days, but the date at Absolute Care is what we recommend for trans folks that can make it. There will also be services available on the dates listed below (non-trans specific dates):
It is recommended that transmen that still have breast tissue (no top surgery) and transwomen who have been taking hormones long enough to develop breast tissue should receive breast health screenings after age 35. While the mammogram portion is generally not needed until age 40, we can make exceptions for those at least 35 years of age that may have a reason to go ahead and get that screening (i.e. Family history).
Thanks for helping to spread the word,
You may not to take advantage of this program.
The transgender and gender non-conforming day to receive these services is:
Saturday, 2/14 at Absolute Care. If you could send this message out to lists you’re on or directly to individuals that may be interested, that would be fantastic.
Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Breast Health Screening Day
Saturday, Feb 14th @ Absolute Care 9am-1pm
Free Clinical Breast Exams & Mammograms
Must be 35 years or older to receive mammogram
To Register: https://thehealthinitiative.wufoo.com/forms/wle2xf8101nstc/
- Select Feb. 14th as desired date.
- Once you have completed this short form, you will receive additional info regarding the day, including the ability to pick your appointment time.
Trans individuals are welcome to access services on these alternate days, but the date at Absolute Care is what we recommend for trans folks that can make it. There will also be services available on the dates listed below (non-trans specific dates):
- Thursday, 1/29 at Good Samaritan of Gwinnett;
- Wednesday, 2/11 at Feminist Women's Health Center;
- Thursday, 2/19 at Good Samaritan of Gwinnett
It is recommended that transmen that still have breast tissue (no top surgery) and transwomen who have been taking hormones long enough to develop breast tissue should receive breast health screenings after age 35. While the mammogram portion is generally not needed until age 40, we can make exceptions for those at least 35 years of age that may have a reason to go ahead and get that screening (i.e. Family history).
Thanks for helping to spread the word,
Laura Kissock, MPH, CHES
Program Associate
The Health Initiative
"Georgia's Voice for LGBTQ Health"
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Saturday January 24, 2015- Femboy Shoe Shopping
Yesterday, my post was about the boots I tried on. This post is about the heels. I love heels but since I do not wear them much, I do not want to put my hard earned money is heels. At this point in my journey, my money is going in my beard removal and femboy outfits. Heels are not part of that look. Yet, I was thinking that maybe lower heels can be added this year.
I tried many heels but the pictures were not that good. So, I will show only two pair that I tried on. I did not have good pictures for the others. Darn.
The pair below was nice but they did not fit well in the front. The front panel had a crease in it that I could not straighten out. It just did not lay along the front of my foot the way it should.
I tried many heels but the pictures were not that good. So, I will show only two pair that I tried on. I did not have good pictures for the others. Darn.
The pair below was nice but they did not fit well in the front. The front panel had a crease in it that I could not straighten out. It just did not lay along the front of my foot the way it should.
But I like the way my toes look in these shoes. The french tip nail polish still looks great. The shoe has a zipper in the back but the straps can not be tightened. This caused the shoes to remain too loose around my ankle and I think this caused the front panel to not sit well down the front.
I think the strap look is cute and it opens my feet for a sexier look. The heel is a little low but it works.
I tried on a few pointed toe shoes but they make my foot look too long. Also these are inexpensive shoes that are hard and they hurt my feet. The open toe strap shoes feel better and did not hurt. However, after wearing them all day, I do not know.
This caramel strap heel was a very nice heel. The photo I took was poor. But I liked this heel the best. It had a zipper in the back but the straps around the ankle could be tightened. This made the whole shoe fit better on my foot because the shoe was tighter around my ankle and laid tight around the rest of the foot.
My toes looked good and I love the color. I do not have an outfit that matches this color.
I decided not to buy this shoe. But if I did, I would have bought for the purpose of developing a fall outfit that matches with a nice shirt or dress that has a hem slightly above the knee.
I enjoyed trying on the heels and again had no stares or looks during my time. There was a lady with three pre-teen girls looking at shoes in the same area. She was looking for herself and her daughters were helping her. They saw me trying shoes on and said nothing. They concentrated on helping their mom and wanting some shoes for themselves.
This reminds me of the time last month when I bought my pea coat. I was waiting in line behind three teenage girls. They noticed me but said nothing and concentrated more on their phone and talking among themselves about what they bought.
The youth know about us from their internet browsing and social networking. I think they consider us part of the community and no longer a novelty.
I think the strap look is cute and it opens my feet for a sexier look. The heel is a little low but it works.
I tried on a few pointed toe shoes but they make my foot look too long. Also these are inexpensive shoes that are hard and they hurt my feet. The open toe strap shoes feel better and did not hurt. However, after wearing them all day, I do not know.
This caramel strap heel was a very nice heel. The photo I took was poor. But I liked this heel the best. It had a zipper in the back but the straps around the ankle could be tightened. This made the whole shoe fit better on my foot because the shoe was tighter around my ankle and laid tight around the rest of the foot.
My toes looked good and I love the color. I do not have an outfit that matches this color.
I decided not to buy this shoe. But if I did, I would have bought for the purpose of developing a fall outfit that matches with a nice shirt or dress that has a hem slightly above the knee.
I enjoyed trying on the heels and again had no stares or looks during my time. There was a lady with three pre-teen girls looking at shoes in the same area. She was looking for herself and her daughters were helping her. They saw me trying shoes on and said nothing. They concentrated on helping their mom and wanting some shoes for themselves.
This reminds me of the time last month when I bought my pea coat. I was waiting in line behind three teenage girls. They noticed me but said nothing and concentrated more on their phone and talking among themselves about what they bought.
The youth know about us from their internet browsing and social networking. I think they consider us part of the community and no longer a novelty.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Friday January 23, 2015 - Buying Boots
My last stop on my Femboy trip was to a new shoe store, next to the new Walmart that is down the street from the electrologist.
I like Shoe Show because like Payless, they carry women size 12. Their shoes are more stylist than Payless.
I decided to try on some shoes. I usually try on flats even when in boy mode. But I decided to try on boot and heels today.
I had a good time trying on boots. I need to find that right boot with the round toe, the right color/texture and they need character with buckles that hug and frame my legs. Spring shoes are arriving now, so I may have to wait until next fall.
I enjoy shopping as a Femboy because I do not worry about passing. You can tell I am a guy showing my feminine side and I have yet to have an issue with that.
In tomorrow's post, I will discuss the three open toe heels I tried on. I loved them and the french tip nail polish looked good in the shoes.
I like Shoe Show because like Payless, they carry women size 12. Their shoes are more stylist than Payless.
I decided to try on some shoes. I usually try on flats even when in boy mode. But I decided to try on boot and heels today.
I tried on a brown boot. The problem I have with this boot is how it "swallows" my legs. My legs are too small for the boot.. I like the top of the boot to hug my leg. This boot is too wide at the top. The round toe makes my foot look smaller and I like the buckles. |
Next I tried on a creme boot. This boot had the same problem in that it "swallows" my legs. This boot is too wide at the top. Its a plain looking boot and I like buckles and or fur on my boots to give them character. The round toe was nice, but I did not like these at all. |
Finally I tried on a pair of ankle boots with a heel. I like the color but most of all, I like the way this boot closes around the top of my ankle. My ankles are skinny. But this boot looks nice around my ankle. The heel makes it questionable for my Femboy look. But maybe. Right now I would definitely buy it for women mode. |
I had a good time trying on boots. I need to find that right boot with the round toe, the right color/texture and they need character with buckles that hug and frame my legs. Spring shoes are arriving now, so I may have to wait until next fall.
I enjoy shopping as a Femboy because I do not worry about passing. You can tell I am a guy showing my feminine side and I have yet to have an issue with that.
In tomorrow's post, I will discuss the three open toe heels I tried on. I loved them and the french tip nail polish looked good in the shoes.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Thursday January 22, 2015 - Beauty Supply Store as a Femboy
Two days ago, Tuesday, I spent part of the day as a Femboy. I wanted to spend the whole day, but I needed to get back to my home office to complete some work. Plus it was warming up. It started in the mid 40's when I left the house. By the time I was finished with my electrology session, the temperature was in the mid 50's and climbing.
In my previous post, I talked about my now weekly trip to the electrologist. This post is about my time at the beauty supply store after my session.
There is a new Walmart that opened about two blocks from the electrologists. Next door is a new beauty shop and shoe store.
I decided to check both out. I went to the beauty supply store first and search for rings, makeup and earrings. I found a cute "My Little Kitty" ring. I like that brand, its simple and the colors are basic.
I still need to experiment and learn how to matchin multiple color items in an outfit.
I seem to like understated rings that add color to my outfit. I do not like bigger rings that might drawn attention to my bigger hands.
This ring has a little sparkle to it and the red bow will offset a color in a future outfit.
I also bought a tube of olive oil that I want to add to my next batch of coconut/castor oil lotion I created to use on my eyebrows and eyelashes.
Finally a bought a new tube of nail glue that I use to put on my earrings. I found this trick on the Internet. I glue earring on my ears and they look like my ears are pierced. I cut-off the stems, put glue on the stemless base and finally press them on my earlobes.
By using earrings pierced earrings, I have a better variety and I do not get throbbing earlobes from clipons.
There were many women at the store and I was barely noticed. A few women smiled and said hello while most of the others were busy like me looking for things to buy.
I asked the two ladies working the counter to keep my items while I continued to look. When I found something, I would leave it at the front counter. Once I had the ring, oil and nail glue, I was ready to check out.
I thought about looking at some wigs, but I like my current new wig and decided against it.
When I got home, I took off my creme jacket because I did not want it to get dirty. It was still cool in my office, so I put on a rose colored pullover shawl. I love the color and collar. I decided to play with my wig and wear in the house for the rest of the day.
Tomorrow, I will discuss my next stop at the new shoe store. After the shoe store, I went home to work the rest of the day. :-{
In my previous post, I talked about my now weekly trip to the electrologist. This post is about my time at the beauty supply store after my session.
There is a new Walmart that opened about two blocks from the electrologists. Next door is a new beauty shop and shoe store.
I decided to check both out. I went to the beauty supply store first and search for rings, makeup and earrings. I found a cute "My Little Kitty" ring. I like that brand, its simple and the colors are basic.
I still need to experiment and learn how to matchin multiple color items in an outfit.
I seem to like understated rings that add color to my outfit. I do not like bigger rings that might drawn attention to my bigger hands.
This ring has a little sparkle to it and the red bow will offset a color in a future outfit.
I also bought a tube of olive oil that I want to add to my next batch of coconut/castor oil lotion I created to use on my eyebrows and eyelashes.
Finally a bought a new tube of nail glue that I use to put on my earrings. I found this trick on the Internet. I glue earring on my ears and they look like my ears are pierced. I cut-off the stems, put glue on the stemless base and finally press them on my earlobes.
By using earrings pierced earrings, I have a better variety and I do not get throbbing earlobes from clipons.
There were many women at the store and I was barely noticed. A few women smiled and said hello while most of the others were busy like me looking for things to buy.
I asked the two ladies working the counter to keep my items while I continued to look. When I found something, I would leave it at the front counter. Once I had the ring, oil and nail glue, I was ready to check out.
I thought about looking at some wigs, but I like my current new wig and decided against it.
When I got home, I took off my creme jacket because I did not want it to get dirty. It was still cool in my office, so I put on a rose colored pullover shawl. I love the color and collar. I decided to play with my wig and wear in the house for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wednesday January 21, 2015 - Electrology
My first stop on Wednesday was my now weekly 1 hour electrology session. Every Tuesday I will spend 1 hour is the chair, getting those last few facial hairs zapped.
As I stated in a previous post, this is phase 2 of my transition. The first was weight loss and now I am coming to the end of a long two years trip through beard elimination.
I spend the last 24 months traveling to Dallas, Texas to have 16 sessions with E3000. It was expensive traveling from Atlanta to Dallas and then spending over 100 hours having my face cleared over and over again. Denise and her team are great and treat the trans community great.
The first time, it took 14 hours over two days the clear my face. Today, it was done in little over 1 hour. The Atlanta company I use in great. They do not use lidocaine, like E3000, so you feel the sting. But its not much and I keep telling myself, beauty hurts.
That Lidocaine allows you to hand 7 hour sessions. I use to fall asleep during those early Dallas sessions.
Southside Electrolysis Center, does a great job and they are very friendly toward our community. This is only my third session. I have attended in Femboy and male modes. The owner has no problem with how I appear.
I find that everywhere I go, as long as I appear and act like a regular male, female or femboy, I have no problems and have been accepted by all businesses.
As I reach out, I am going to get outside my comfort neighborhood and venture out into a different area and see the response. I suspect there will be little negative reaction.
Anyway, back on tract. My face did not swell much. This picture is my face about 1 hour after the treatment. There was slight swelling under the lip, which is a very sensitive area.
If you can get to Atlanta, try this company. They are located near the airport.
Southside Electrology Center
2758 Felton Dr.
East Point, GA 30044
As I stated in a previous post, this is phase 2 of my transition. The first was weight loss and now I am coming to the end of a long two years trip through beard elimination.
I spend the last 24 months traveling to Dallas, Texas to have 16 sessions with E3000. It was expensive traveling from Atlanta to Dallas and then spending over 100 hours having my face cleared over and over again. Denise and her team are great and treat the trans community great.
The first time, it took 14 hours over two days the clear my face. Today, it was done in little over 1 hour. The Atlanta company I use in great. They do not use lidocaine, like E3000, so you feel the sting. But its not much and I keep telling myself, beauty hurts.
That Lidocaine allows you to hand 7 hour sessions. I use to fall asleep during those early Dallas sessions.
Southside Electrolysis Center, does a great job and they are very friendly toward our community. This is only my third session. I have attended in Femboy and male modes. The owner has no problem with how I appear.
I find that everywhere I go, as long as I appear and act like a regular male, female or femboy, I have no problems and have been accepted by all businesses.
As I reach out, I am going to get outside my comfort neighborhood and venture out into a different area and see the response. I suspect there will be little negative reaction.
Anyway, back on tract. My face did not swell much. This picture is my face about 1 hour after the treatment. There was slight swelling under the lip, which is a very sensitive area.
If you can get to Atlanta, try this company. They are located near the airport.
Southside Electrology Center
2758 Felton Dr.
East Point, GA 30044
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tuesday January 20, 2015 - I picked this outfit
My earlier post showed a variety of outfits. This morning, I chose to wear the outfit below. It was cold and the blue sweater under my creme jacket looked nice. I loved the flats with stockings. The green outfit was too light for the early cold day.
I will discuss my femboy day tomorrow and Thursday.
I will discuss my femboy day tomorrow and Thursday.
Tuesday January 20, 2015 - Femboy Day
Final I will get back out and experience life looking how I feel, as a femboy. I have an electrology appointment in the morning with my new local electrologist. Its just a weekly 1 hour cleaning. I want to see how this works before I decide when and if I go back to Dallas E3000.
After that appointment, I need to go to the bank, Goodwill and then back home to work. I will probably go out for lunch first, then home.
Over the next few days, I will blog about my experience.
Depending on how cold it will be when I leave the house (expected to be 46 degrees), I have picked out three outfits.
This outfit is green based with a creme sleeveless sweater under a new heavy windbreaker. I love the color of the windbreaker. I just do not know if its going to be warm enough.
I love the colors in this windbreaker. It works with brown, green and creme color outfits.
I added green pants and a brown laced shoes. I know the weather will start out cool but will quickly increase to 60 degrees. This outfit is for the warmer weather, but I think it will keep me warm early. I added green based undergarments and brown tights.
This outfit is similar to the above outfit except I am wearing my warmer creme hooded jacket. I will wear this if the weather is cooler. The problem with this outfit is the sweater blends in with the jacket. There is not enough of a contrast.
This third outfit is not green based. I changed my sweater to blue and built the rest of this outfit based on that blue sweater. The blue sweater provides that contrast with the jacket. So I added my blue jean leggings and a pair of blue flats with a bow on the front.
Also the blue sweater provides more warmth and cover for my neck. I will have to roll that blue sweater down, away from my neck for the electrologist.
I do not have blue tights, so I put on some neutral stockings. I like the flats so much, that I may swap out the brown shoes for a pair of light brown flats in the previous two pictures.
I will let you know Wednesday which outfit i wore and I will take pictures while out.
I am going to wear one of the above three outfits.
After that appointment, I need to go to the bank, Goodwill and then back home to work. I will probably go out for lunch first, then home.
Over the next few days, I will blog about my experience.
Depending on how cold it will be when I leave the house (expected to be 46 degrees), I have picked out three outfits.
This outfit is green based with a creme sleeveless sweater under a new heavy windbreaker. I love the color of the windbreaker. I just do not know if its going to be warm enough.
I love the colors in this windbreaker. It works with brown, green and creme color outfits.
I added green pants and a brown laced shoes. I know the weather will start out cool but will quickly increase to 60 degrees. This outfit is for the warmer weather, but I think it will keep me warm early. I added green based undergarments and brown tights.
This outfit is similar to the above outfit except I am wearing my warmer creme hooded jacket. I will wear this if the weather is cooler. The problem with this outfit is the sweater blends in with the jacket. There is not enough of a contrast.
Also the blue sweater provides more warmth and cover for my neck. I will have to roll that blue sweater down, away from my neck for the electrologist.
I do not have blue tights, so I put on some neutral stockings. I like the flats so much, that I may swap out the brown shoes for a pair of light brown flats in the previous two pictures.
I will let you know Wednesday which outfit i wore and I will take pictures while out.
I am going to wear one of the above three outfits.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sunday January 18, 2015 - Online Resources - Feminine Eyes
Every so often, I will public links to on-line resources that can help. Today I have introduced a few links to web sites with good information about eyes. Below are seven (7) links with information about eye makeup and face shapes.
Check the Resource tab above to review other links. This is the first of many posts about links I found.
Check the above links out. If you would like to add more links that deal with the above subject matter, please leave a comment and copy of the link you want me to add.
Check the Resource tab above to review other links. This is the first of many posts about links I found.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Saturday January 17, 2015 - 2 Week - Weight Update
2014 was a bad year for my weight. I had maintained my weight at 165 lbs from September 2011 until January 2014. But for some reason my weight increased during 2014 until it reached over 171 lbs by October 2014 with Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday on the horizon. I was worried because I can not have another year (2015) like 2014 and reach 180 lbs by late 2015.
At first I caulked it up to not exercising enough during the spring and summer. So I started my October workout. As I stated in an earlier post, these workout did not work. I exercised over 20 days a each month during October, November and December and reduced my caloric intake. A couple of weeks I exercised every day that week. Yet my weight would drop maybe to 168 lbs but then pop back up to 172+ lbs.
So in January 2015, after much reading, I decided to take 2015 and adjust my routine to get my weight from 171 lbs plus to sub-160 lbs. My goal is one pound a month.
I am making two changes, in 2015, to eat more calories everyday and eliminate all diet soda.
I think my net daily calorie intake was too low. I was eating about 1,500 calories a day and burning 1,000 calories a day with cardio (75+ minutes per session). My net calorie intake was around 500 calories in an attempt to force by body to lose weight. I think that was backfiring because it caused my body to go into starvation mode.
I also began reading about studies that indicate diet soda does not help you keep weight off. This soda may actually cause your body to gain weight. When I was younger, I was not a big soda drinker. But over the last few years I became a big-time diet soda drinker. Especially, Coke Zero and Diet Root Beer. I was drinking an average of 1 liter a day and had reached a point that I did not like to drink water.
So starting January 2nd, I raised my caloric intake to 2300 calories when I exercise and 1500 calories when I do not exercise. Plus I started drinking flavored seltzer water until I can start drinking water with a lemon.
Well it worked better than I thought it would. I started January 2nd at 168.20 lbs and by Friday January 16, 2015, my weight was 165.0 lbs even. I use the same scale at the same time every day.
I had only 6 exercise sessions at only 60-65 minutes per session. I averaged 1,525 calories on days I did not exercise and 2,225 calories on days I did exercise. I saw immediate results as I dropped 3.2 lbs in 3 weeks.
I think the quick weight loss back to my ideal weight was due to eating more and eliminating diet sodas. As a matter of fact, I had water with a lemon for lunch, yesterday and it was good.
I thought it would take longer. So I am going to report my progress once a month instead of every two weeks. My next report will be January 30th. After that report, I will report at the end of every month.
At first I caulked it up to not exercising enough during the spring and summer. So I started my October workout. As I stated in an earlier post, these workout did not work. I exercised over 20 days a each month during October, November and December and reduced my caloric intake. A couple of weeks I exercised every day that week. Yet my weight would drop maybe to 168 lbs but then pop back up to 172+ lbs.
So in January 2015, after much reading, I decided to take 2015 and adjust my routine to get my weight from 171 lbs plus to sub-160 lbs. My goal is one pound a month.
I am making two changes, in 2015, to eat more calories everyday and eliminate all diet soda.
I think my net daily calorie intake was too low. I was eating about 1,500 calories a day and burning 1,000 calories a day with cardio (75+ minutes per session). My net calorie intake was around 500 calories in an attempt to force by body to lose weight. I think that was backfiring because it caused my body to go into starvation mode.
I also began reading about studies that indicate diet soda does not help you keep weight off. This soda may actually cause your body to gain weight. When I was younger, I was not a big soda drinker. But over the last few years I became a big-time diet soda drinker. Especially, Coke Zero and Diet Root Beer. I was drinking an average of 1 liter a day and had reached a point that I did not like to drink water.
So starting January 2nd, I raised my caloric intake to 2300 calories when I exercise and 1500 calories when I do not exercise. Plus I started drinking flavored seltzer water until I can start drinking water with a lemon.
Well it worked better than I thought it would. I started January 2nd at 168.20 lbs and by Friday January 16, 2015, my weight was 165.0 lbs even. I use the same scale at the same time every day.
I had only 6 exercise sessions at only 60-65 minutes per session. I averaged 1,525 calories on days I did not exercise and 2,225 calories on days I did exercise. I saw immediate results as I dropped 3.2 lbs in 3 weeks.
I think the quick weight loss back to my ideal weight was due to eating more and eliminating diet sodas. As a matter of fact, I had water with a lemon for lunch, yesterday and it was good.
I thought it would take longer. So I am going to report my progress once a month instead of every two weeks. My next report will be January 30th. After that report, I will report at the end of every month.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Friday January 16, 2015 - Makeup Play Day
I like my attempt at eyebrows but the eye shadow was nice too light. I did a lot of blending but it was still too light. I am going to use much more next time because with my glasses, the eye shadow will be hard to see anyway.
Four eye shadow colors were used. First I used a color that matched my skin tone as a base. Then, I applied white to line the front of my eyelids and around my eyebrows. Next time I will cover my whole lid in white. A dark color was used in the crease and finally a purple was applied to the outer half of my lid.
I like my lips. I used lip liner first to outline and fill-in my lips. Then I added a light coating of lipstick followed my clear lipgloss. While a femboy, I like a little shimmery color on my lips.
The pictures in the album shows my face after eight days of no shaving. It looks to me that the beard shadow is almost gone.
I spent over two hours having fun and listening to soothing music.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Thursday January 15, 2015 - Yeah!! I found it.
I have been looking for these boots since early December 2014. I fell in love with these boot but could not find it in my size. I tried 10 different store locations around Metro Atlanta, but could not find my size. I did find them on-line in my size but they were $10 more ($50) plus shipping. I could not afford them at that price, so I gave up.
But yesterday, I found a pair in my size and on sale for $25! I was at the grocery store and decided to go to the shoe store next door. I was just browsing to see if they had anything new.
Then I saw the boot. I love this boot because I wanted a boot with fur and buckles. This one has both and I like the color. The best part is that my legs are thin (but shapely, lol) and boots are to big around the top. They make my legs look like sticks. This boot has the string in front that allow me to tighten to boot around my legs.
So I bought them. I really needed a pair because its cold and wearing flats make my feet cold.
Another reason I like these boots, is that they match the coat I bought from Kohls. Not only the color matches, but also the fur around the hoodie matches the fur on the boots.
I am going to wear this on my next femboy day out. I have been so busy and my oldest daughter is using my car until Friday. So I have not had the chance to get out. I had a few femdays last week around the house. But nothing beats getting out.
I am excited to wear this outfit
Here I am trying on the outfit with my dark blue jeggings. The boots maybe a little too feminine for my femboy look, but I am going for it. I love the look. I need a nice turtle neck sweater to complete this outfit. I want a sweater with a big fluffy collar in a color that stands out from the jacket. Also, I would like the sweater to have some unique print design or unique collar design.
This made my day. I love the variety and fun you can have with women clothes.
But yesterday, I found a pair in my size and on sale for $25! I was at the grocery store and decided to go to the shoe store next door. I was just browsing to see if they had anything new.
Then I saw the boot. I love this boot because I wanted a boot with fur and buckles. This one has both and I like the color. The best part is that my legs are thin (but shapely, lol) and boots are to big around the top. They make my legs look like sticks. This boot has the string in front that allow me to tighten to boot around my legs.

Another reason I like these boots, is that they match the coat I bought from Kohls. Not only the color matches, but also the fur around the hoodie matches the fur on the boots.
I am going to wear this on my next femboy day out. I have been so busy and my oldest daughter is using my car until Friday. So I have not had the chance to get out. I had a few femdays last week around the house. But nothing beats getting out.
I am excited to wear this outfit
This made my day. I love the variety and fun you can have with women clothes.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wednesday January 14, 2015 - Feet and other items
I have always thought my feet look good in stockings.I remember when I was under 10 and wearing my mother's stockings. I always liked how my feet look. I am wearing tights today because its so cold outside. The french tip polish from my pedicure at the nail shop still looks good. I like the way they highlight and frame my feet in the tights.
This is why I love open toe shoes. Last summer, I wore a pair of peep toe shoes when in femboy mode. I loved the look and will try it again this summer.
I have always thought my feet look good in stockings.I remember when I was under 10 and wearing my mother's stockings. I always liked how my feet look. I am wearing tights today because its so cold outside. The french tip polish from my pedicure at the nail shop still looks good. I like the way they highlight and frame my feet in the tights.
This is why I love open toe shoes. Last summer, I wore a pair of peep toe shoes when in femboy mode. I loved the look and will try it again this summer.
This weekend I added a set of links along the right column with my Redditt Links. I forget to mention this earlier. I have 5 links and they have some good information. I like it, but it seems to cater more toward the younger transgender community.
Check them out and tell me what you think.
Earlier, I posted two reader survey questions. You can still respond. See the tab along the top menu. Here are the results so far: The top three answers for both questions are listed below.
55-70 53.13%
45-55 21.88%
70+ 12.50%
TOTAL 87.51%
Readership is definitely older. I am 58 years old and it appears I am reaching my peer group. There are a lot of us who had to hide because of the era we grew up in. I hope my blog will motives more of us to break the mental chains and enjoy life. It goes so quick.
See more of:
My femboy outings 52%
Clothes 48%
My Thoughts 44%
This question allowed for multiple answers. Over half want to see more of my outings with clothes a close second. I definitely love my outings and clothes, so I will have many more posts about those subjects.
I am glad so many readers like my thoughts. Its part of my process of breaking the chains put on me by the psychologists I visited back in the early 70's.
I am sure my parents meant well. By the 1990's my mother had no problem with it and my Dad did not acknowledge it. He just did not want to see me dressed, I asked him once in 1992.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Tuesday January 13, 2015 - Makeup
I was at the Beauty Store Sunday and bought this set of eye shadow. I have been looking for a nice set with certain colors and I found the colors I was looking for in this set.
I am going to take some fem time and play with my eyes. I want to add some eye shadow to my femboy look.
As I gain confidence in that look, I want to keep pushing the envelop.
I have an idea of the look I want:
A neutral color base covering my eyelids up to my eyebrows. Then a darker color in the crease. Finally, add white under the raised arch of my eyebrow and along the front edge of my eyelids. The white will hopefully make my eyelashes and the raised corner of my outer eyebrows stand out.
The eye shadow set I bought has the neutral, white, dark color and a few other colors. So I can play with my idea and add additional colors to see what works the best.
I will blend it all in to give that cute subtle look.
I know its easier said than done. So I look forward to my fem time. I will also include some time to play with my new wig. During this fem time, I usually complete a total body shave in the tub with bubble bath and skin-so-soft (once every 2 weeks) and a self manicure that includes clear nail polish.
I want to add eyeliner and eye shadow to my femboy look. While the wig lets me work on my total female look. I might get out as a femboy this week, but with a lot of business work to complete, I may just play around at home.
I like to do this sometimes because I can play and try things, then wash it off and try again.
My sister and her friends use to spend hours as teenagers playing with makeup and clothes. I wished I could join them back then. Now I can and its fun.
Hopefully, I can find some friends and we can have a fem day party and play with clothes and makeup.
I am going to take some fem time and play with my eyes. I want to add some eye shadow to my femboy look.
As I gain confidence in that look, I want to keep pushing the envelop.
I have an idea of the look I want:
A neutral color base covering my eyelids up to my eyebrows. Then a darker color in the crease. Finally, add white under the raised arch of my eyebrow and along the front edge of my eyelids. The white will hopefully make my eyelashes and the raised corner of my outer eyebrows stand out.
The eye shadow set I bought has the neutral, white, dark color and a few other colors. So I can play with my idea and add additional colors to see what works the best.
I will blend it all in to give that cute subtle look.
I know its easier said than done. So I look forward to my fem time. I will also include some time to play with my new wig. During this fem time, I usually complete a total body shave in the tub with bubble bath and skin-so-soft (once every 2 weeks) and a self manicure that includes clear nail polish.
I want to add eyeliner and eye shadow to my femboy look. While the wig lets me work on my total female look. I might get out as a femboy this week, but with a lot of business work to complete, I may just play around at home.
I like to do this sometimes because I can play and try things, then wash it off and try again.
My sister and her friends use to spend hours as teenagers playing with makeup and clothes. I wished I could join them back then. Now I can and its fun.
Hopefully, I can find some friends and we can have a fem day party and play with clothes and makeup.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday January 12, 2015 - One of my Favorite Nightwear Outfits
One thing I love about womanhood is the variety of clothing options. Even at night, you can wear a variety of night clothes that match your mood and/or the temperature. I love the challenge of creating nice outfits with a limited budget.
During the winter, I wear both a top and bottom fleece outfit with cozy socks.
Below is my favorite fleece outfit because I created it from a variety of stores over a 30 day period.. I bought the following clothes from Goodwill and Family Dollar by visiting many stores and hunting for that right piece. Then when you find it at the right price (on sale) and in the right size....BINGO!!!!
I found this black and white fleece top at a Goodwill in the women's night gown section. I fell in love with it because of the hoodie. I had not seen a night top with a hoodie before. The black and white color was nice, but the pick trim and tie strings with puff balls, sold me. I tried it on and it fit perfectly.
During the cool fall nights, this top was enough. But I knew with winter coming, I needed more. I wanted some pants to go with them.
After visiting over 10 thrift store, I finally found these night pants. I could not believe I found them in my size and they seemed to match the top I bought weeks earlier.
I could believe my luck and they had the 50% of color tag. I ran to the front and bought them.
It makes my day when I find this kind of deal.
I already had these slippers that would match this outfit. So at night when I am walking around the house, working or watching TV, I wear these slippers.
They are very warm and comfortable. I think I bought them at Payless (size 12).
I found these two pair of cozy socks at Family Dollar. They give me two options to wear to bed. My feet get cold and I wear a pair of these socks to bed during the winter. They both have plastic dots along the bottom to stop skidding. However, I put them on once I take off the slippers and get under the covers.
I already had these panties. They match the outfit, perfectly. The pink trim and black and white panels.
I feel very cute and feminine, in this outfit. It helps me sleep better and reminds me of when I was very young and slept in my mother's night clothes.
Below are some pictures of me this outfit.
This is just the top and panties. I love the length of them and I sometime wear just this, when its not too cold.
During the winter, I wear both a top and bottom fleece outfit with cozy socks.
Below is my favorite fleece outfit because I created it from a variety of stores over a 30 day period.. I bought the following clothes from Goodwill and Family Dollar by visiting many stores and hunting for that right piece. Then when you find it at the right price (on sale) and in the right size....BINGO!!!!
I found this black and white fleece top at a Goodwill in the women's night gown section. I fell in love with it because of the hoodie. I had not seen a night top with a hoodie before. The black and white color was nice, but the pick trim and tie strings with puff balls, sold me. I tried it on and it fit perfectly.
During the cool fall nights, this top was enough. But I knew with winter coming, I needed more. I wanted some pants to go with them.
After visiting over 10 thrift store, I finally found these night pants. I could not believe I found them in my size and they seemed to match the top I bought weeks earlier.
I could believe my luck and they had the 50% of color tag. I ran to the front and bought them.
It makes my day when I find this kind of deal.
I already had these slippers that would match this outfit. So at night when I am walking around the house, working or watching TV, I wear these slippers.
They are very warm and comfortable. I think I bought them at Payless (size 12).
I found these two pair of cozy socks at Family Dollar. They give me two options to wear to bed. My feet get cold and I wear a pair of these socks to bed during the winter. They both have plastic dots along the bottom to stop skidding. However, I put them on once I take off the slippers and get under the covers.
I already had these panties. They match the outfit, perfectly. The pink trim and black and white panels.
I feel very cute and feminine, in this outfit. It helps me sleep better and reminds me of when I was very young and slept in my mother's night clothes.
Below are some pictures of me this outfit.
This is just the top and panties. I love the length of them and I sometime wear just this, when its not too cold.
This is the complete outfit with the black and white cozy socks. I am ready for bed during these winter months.
Do you have a favorite nighttime outfit?
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